Our Services

Integrative and Functional Health for All

No matter where you are in the world, we can help. Through our in-person and virtual care options, we’re dedicated to finding the root cause of illness, even if other doctors haven’t been able to figure it out yet. Dr. Lyday is one of only 30 doctors in the WORLD specializing in her field.

Mold Illness

If you're battling the debilitating effects of mold illness and searching for effective solutions, our specialized healthcare coaching can be your beacon of hope. Our team of certified experts, well-versed in Surviving Mold protocols, understands the intricacies of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). With personalized coaching and evidence-based strategies, we'll support you in your journey to overcome mold-related health challenges.

Thyroid Function

Thyroid issues can severely impact your quality of life. At The Lyday Center, we have a profound understanding of thyroid imbalances and their far-reaching effects. Our dedicated coaches work closely with you to uncover the root causes of your thyroid struggles and develop a holistic approach to restore balance. Reclaim your energy, mental clarity, and overall wellness with our guidance.


Hashimoto's, a complex autoimmune disorder, requires personalized attention and expert care. Our team of healthcare professionals, familiar with the Shoemaker Protocol and other advanced techniques, will work tirelessly to identify the triggers and help alleviate the symptoms of Hashimoto's. With The Lyday Center by your side, you'll gain invaluable knowledge and skills to manage the condition and enjoy life to the fullest.

Hormonal Imbalance

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is important to maintain all systems in the body.  Our hormones naturally start to decline around the age of 35 and most people would benefit from a little boost of bioidentical hormones. We use a variety of different methods to get you back to the hormone levels of youth (or close), depending on what best fits your lifestyle.

Chronic Fatigue

Feeling fatigued and drained day after day? Our healthcare coaching is tailored to address the underlying causes of low energy levels, leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit of rejuvenation. Regain your zest for life as we guide you through personalized wellness plans, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and more.

Lyme Disease

It is estimated that 90% of the population in some states have Lyme. If left untreated, Lyme disease can progress to more severe symptoms affecting the joints, heart, and nervous system. Chronic Lyme disease is also a concern for some if symptoms persist or recur despite initial treatment. Early intervention is key to achieving the best outcomes and restoring your health. Schedule an appointment with us to learn more and access testing.

Weight Gain

Struggling to shed those extra pounds? Our healthcare coaching is designed to address weight gain from a comprehensive perspective. No more quick-fix diets or temporary results. We empower you with sustainable lifestyle changes and targeted strategies to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, while also promoting overall well-being.

Ready to Get Healing?

What Our Patients Are Saying.

Dr. Lyday takes the time to actually listen to her patients, expecting and accepting input and participation in what is truly a collaborative healthcare experience. Her warmth, sense of humor and conversational style relax the formality of a “medical visit,” making the information and treatment plan easy to understand and absorb. Dr. Lyday is willing to match the time, energy, and effort her patients are willing to invest in their treatment protocol. By far the best practitioner I’ve had since my pediatrician, which was back when Doctors still made house calls.”

Tony F.

When I first met Dr Lyday, I had been through 8 years of debilitating chronic pain and fatigue. I couldn’t keep a job or even do the family’s laundry, I was so fatigued all the time. Within 6 months she had completely changed our lives for the better. I now have only minimal fatigue and pain; I can live a full and busy life that was unimaginable before Dr Lyday’s treatment. 

My husband and I are so grateful that we found Dr Lyday, and we recommend her to all our friends with unexplained chronic illness.”

Catherine D.

“Dr Lyday has been amazing to work with, and the single doctor to actually assist me on my healing journey. I am struggling with a parasitic infection that has gone undetected in stool samples and brushed off by other doctors. Dr Lyday took me seriously from the moment I spoke to her, and has developed an effective protocol that is helping me heal. She truly listens and works with me as an ally. I can't recommend her enough!”

Elizabeth V.

“Dr Lyday is a great partner in my quest to obtain better health. I see her because she seeks to find the root cause of one’s discomfort and to work toward correcting it rather than just treating the symptoms. She offers lab tests and solutions that are not offered by conventional health care providers. I also like that she continues her education and certifications in an effort to truly help her clients. I’ve spent years (15-20) seeking answers through the conventional health care system and was given diagnoses that couldn’t be explained and many times offered only pharmaceuticals to deal with symptoms. 

Dr Lyday is easy to communicate with, a great listener. I highly recommend her, she has been a real blessing to me.”

Linda R.

“I thought because of my age, I would have to live with constipation and weight gain, among other illnesses. After meeting with Dr. Lyday and having many tests she put me on a natural thyroid medication and new supplements. I have lost over 10 pounds, and the constipation is gone!  I highly recommended Dr. Lyday.”

Mary M.


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